Episode 1: Getting Back to the Basics

In this conversation, Richard Ellis interviews Al Monserrat, a seasoned board member and CEO, about the importance of getting back to the basics as a leader. They discuss the significance of showing up on time, doing what you say you're going to do, and providing clarity in direction, objectives, and timelines. Al emphasizes the role of habits in achieving consistent results and the need to develop positive habits around the basics. They also share personal stories and examples that will have you laughing and nodding along about the pitfalls of leaders who lack good habits. 



00:00 Introduction

01:30 Getting Back to the Basics: The Importance of Positive Habits

08:44 Do What You Say You're Going to Do

13:07 Life is a Team Sport

18:31 Always be Learning



leadership, basics, habits, consistency, trust, respect, success, learning


Sound Bites

  •  "Habits lead to consistent results, good and bad."
  •  "It's a strength to accept the fact that you don't know something."
  •  "Always be learning from books, always be learning from mentors."
  •  "The sooner you are aware of those things, and the sooner you can start working on them, the more quickly you will progress in your career."