Episode 3: Navigating Board Meetings

In this conversation, Richard Ellis and Tracey Mustacchio discuss the importance of navigating your first board meeting and share practical tips for presenting to a board. They emphasize the need to understand the board's perspective and align your presentation with the overall business goals. They also highlight the importance of collaboration with other C-level executives and provide insights on structuring a presentation and handling detailed questions. Tracey shares a personal experience of presenting to a board and offers resources for further learning. In the spirit of sharing goodness, Tracey gives recommendations from her current favorite book.



01:10 - The Importance of First Impressions in Board Meetings

01:41 - Sharing the Right Amount of Information

02:45 - Understanding the Board's Perspective: Research and Common Ground

03:49 - Relating to Board Members' Experiences: Tying Marketing to Familiar Concepts

05:38 - Aligning Your Presentation with Business Goals: Strategic Enabler of Overall Metrics

07:23 - Structuring Your Presentation: Starting Point and Desired Outcome

09:17 - Focusing on Results: Tying Them to Business Goals

10:57 - Handling Detailed Questions: Being Prepared and Concise

11:50 - Story of a Disaster Presentation 14:37 - Learning from Past Experiences

17:05 - Recommended Resources

18:33 - Outside of Business: Sharing Some Goodness



board meeting, presenting, business goals, collaboration, presentation structure, detailed questions, resources


Sound Bites

"First impressions are really important. And when you're going into your first board meeting, you're setting that first impression with the board."

“Focus on results and tie them to the business goals, rather than getting too deep into the details.”

“Understand the board's perspective and align your presentation with the overall business goals.”

“Structure your presentation by clearly articulating the starting point, the desired outcome, and the progress made.”