Episode 12: The 5 Tasks of a Leader (Free book download)

Enjoy a free copy of the book Richard discusses with the author, Dr. Stephen Graves. Visit this website for the download: https://www.stephenrgraves.com/fivetasks

In this conversation, Richard Ellis and Steve Graves explore the essential tasks of leadership, emphasizing the importance of purpose, direction, speed, risk, and culture. They discuss how leaders can effectively set direction with clarity and courage, navigate the complexities of speed concerning market dynamics, and understand the various risks involved in leadership, including personal life balance. The conversation also highlights the significance of cultivating a positive organizational culture and reinforcing core values to ensure alignment and engagement among team members.



00:00 Introduction to Leadership Purpose

01:15 The Five Essential Tasks of Leadership

05:03 Setting Direction: The Importance of Clarity and Courage

09:45 Understanding Speed in Leadership

14:30 Navigating Risk: Balancing Growth and Life

19:15 The Role of Culture in Leadership

22:00 Reinforcing Values and Behaviors

24:43 Personal Reflections and Closing Thoughts



leadership, purpose, tasks, direction, speed, risk, culture, values, insights, business



  •  "The more work you can push down, the better off you'll be."
  •  "Setting direction requires clear and courageous decision making."
  •  "Leaders are more engaged when they have a strong sense of purpose."
  •  "Speed in leadership must align with market dynamics."
  •  "Risk-taking is essential for growth, but must be balanced with personal life."
  •  "Reinforcing values is crucial for maintaining a healthy culture."